'엑소힐(Exoheal)'바디라인의 조향은
'조말론 런던(JO MALONE LONDON)', '펜할리곤스(PEHALIGON'S)', '안나수이(ANNA SUI)'
등의 조향을 담당한 CPL AROMAS의 메인 디렉터
퍼퓨머인 세계적인 조향사 '크리스티안 프로벤자노(Christian Provenzano)'의 블렌딩으로 탄생했습니다.
크리스티안 프로벤자노는 향수에 대한 열정과 헌신을 가진 조향사로
유명한 브랜드에서 자신만의 독창적인 향기를 많이 만들어냈습니다.
2000년에 그는 FiFi Awards*
에서 올해의 조향사 상을 수상하는 최고
조향사의 명성을 굳건히 한 향수 산업에서 50년 이상의 경험을 가지고
있으며 공식적으로 전 세계 고급 향수 브랜드의 성공에 영감을 준 마스터 퍼퓨머입니다.
크리스티안의 전문성은 고운 향기를 개발하는데 있는데, 그는 자신만의 독창적인 스타일로 고객이 무엇을 원하는지 아는 본능을 발달 시켰습니다.
'향수 분야의 오스카'로 알려진 FiFi Awards는 1973년 부터 매년 뉴욕에서 개최되고 있는 세계 최고의 향수 시상식입니다.
Christian is a truly inspirational perfumer with a passion and dedication for fragrance.
He has an undisputed reputation for creating successful and original compositions and has
created many
highly distinctive fragrances for some of the most famous brands in the world.
Christian’s expertise lies in the development of fine fragrance where he has developed an
instinct for knowing what the customers looks for whilst twisting with his own unique style.
Christian embarked on his career in perfumery with the Dutch firm Maschmeijer and later
Naarden where he trained in the laboratory. After a spell at Zimmerman Hobbs Christian moved
to take a position at Fritsche Dodge & Olcott where he established his reputation as an
international perfumer. Christian was recruited by CPL Aromas in 1989 to join as Senior
Perfumer, later to become Global Director of Perfumery and in 2021 Master Perfumer after 50
years in the industry.
Christian leads and inspires the growing team of CPL Aromas’ perfumers worldwide, from his
base at CPL Dubai’s creative centre, Christian is able to share his knowledge and experience
with the team as they develop their own careers.
Surrounded by the Middle Eastern culture and with his dexterity, Christian has grown to be
recognised as an authority on Amber and Arabic fragrances, supported by many major successes
in this category. As he likes to say, “having worked in Dubai for almost 15 years now, I
have developed a flair for oriental fragrances.”
Christian once said, “In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.” A motto
that shines through in the unique fragrances he creates.
CPL(Certified Professional Logistician)

세계적인 퍼퓸 하우스
영국에 본사를 둔 세계적인 퍼퓸하우스 CPL로, 세계 각 국의 Fine Fragrance 브랜드들과 협업하면서 오직 프리미엄향료만을 취급하는 향료 회사